Carbon Credit Exchange

Carbon Credit

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Carbon Credit Exchange token?
A Carbon Credit Exchange (CCE) token is a fungible ERC-20 token that will be utilized on our Decentralized Exchange, as the monetary unit to purchase Verified and Validated Carbon Credits in the form of a Non-fungible token (NFT).

Network: Ethereum
Contract address: 0X75388891D79B7A2743402845BF393DE058F71D3B

How are Carbon Credits Minted as NFTs?
Once Carbon Credits are Verified and Validated through a Carbon Registry such as Verra or Gold Standard, Carbon Credit Exchange takes the issued credits and mints them into an NFT. These NFTs will be specific to the Methodology (type of sequestration), Geolocation, and project name. All Carbon Credits with be Backed by Registry data.

How is Data tracked?
Carbon Credit Exchange is now Utilizing an Artificial Intelligence Platform that Automatically tracks Credits Globally across multiple Carbon Registries. This allows for a Transparent Marketplace where investors and Institutions can view Fair Market values for each Methodology, Project details such as verified, issued, and retired credits, with real-time updates.

Token Supply:

  • 1 Trillion Authorized
  • 100 Million Available
  • 250k Circulated

Active supply will be 100 million tokens available for the first year. Once base line is established for total tokens needed annually to utilize Carbon Credit Exchange, there with be a set amount of tokens released from the Total Supply which is Locked by Developer, to reflect supply and demand in the Carbon market.